October 28, 2007

work still in progress

This painting has been a real pain in the you know what! I think it is finally heading in the right direction. Quite the challenge to get a believable sense of space.

October 25, 2007

series of still lifes

here's a shot of my work table in the studio. I'm working on a series of small still life paintings for a gallery show in November. Sure is fun!

October 5, 2007

Finished painting

Here is the apple painting finished. I'm happy with the result although as I look again I may have to turn one of the apples on the table on it's side.

October 4, 2007

work in progress

This is a large canvas for me 24"x36". On this photo it is still in it's early stages. The biggest challenge is the lighting. Here it appears a little too flat. I'll have new photo soon to show the changes that have been made.