December 30, 2008

Amaryllis in progress

Here is another project currently on the easel. This was tricky because the subject changed drastically as the blossoms opened. Now my job is to go back and fine tune the lighting all over the plant.

December 28, 2008

Works in progress

These are all painting in progress in the studio at the moment. It helps me stay inspired to be able to hop between imagery. In addition, I paint in layers so as a layer dries on one painting I can work on another. This means there is little time lost waiting for things to dry.

December 26, 2008

Latest Painting

I finished this painting a little before Christmas and promptly sold it. What a nice feeling. It's probably my best still life so far. Seeing progress in my work is a great reward for the time and energy spent.

December 24, 2008

Happy Holidays

Best Wishes to all and Hope for the new year to bring peace and prosperity.

December 15, 2008

Winter Morning

We've had a bit of snow already this year. It's unusual this early in winter but lovely! Preparations for Christmas are ongoing. After this week I'll have two weeks off to spend with the kids and hubby. Since I wake up so early in the morning I'll spend the first three or four hours of the day in the studio. Hopefully I'll get some photos taken of paintings so I can post my latest projects.

December 12, 2008

photo reference

This is a photo I took on a winter trek in Eastern Washington. It will serve as inspiration for the next landscape painting. It's relatively flat compared to images I usually choose but I love the subtle color and pattern. In order to give it more depth I'll open up a space that invites the viewer further in to see the layers in the background.

December 4, 2008

The Bear Family at Home

There's a nook just to the right of my fireplace where every Christmas I set up a little tableau. This year it is the little log cabin I built from a kit for my kids when they were little. The cabin is getting decked out for the holidays by the bear family. I still need to build a bed for Mama and Papa bear and sew up some little stockings, should be fun!

December 2, 2008

Warm glow...

There is something so comforting about the warm interior light when it is cold, wet, and gray outside.
We are in our darkest days of the year at this time, when the holiday lights come up on the neighborhood houses it's lovely to see.