June 21, 2009

Here are some sketches from our Friday figure drawing session. For whatever reason, no matter how I rotate or resize one of the images refuses to turn right side up. But I like the sketch so well I included it anyway.
The painting with the globe is another of my fun toy still lifes just started the other day. Another three or for passes and this one will be done.

The house commission is progressing nicely.

June 17, 2009

2nd pass...

Plugging along and enjoying the evolution of this project. Little by little it's getting to look more like it should. It's about half way there. I'm hoping to finish this up in a week or so. My family from out of town is heading out this morning so I will have a lot more time in the studio.

June 5, 2009

Progress on commission...

All of the major forms are blocked in and light and shadow for the most part mapped out. Now it's time to slow down a bit and work in all of the subtle variations of color and light throughout. This is the fun part, frosting the cake so to speak. On Saturday I will visit the family and take photos of the pets to add to the compositions.

June 4, 2009

Loving this weather!

I've been spending time shooting landscapes on my new digital camera. The old one is now useless as the zoom button is busted and stuck permanantly at one distance.
The weather here as been absolutely amazing. Sunny skies for a couple of weeks in a row, unheard of in May and June! My son's graduation is coming up next week and I'm hoping the weather is equally beautiful for family visiting from out of town.