July 11, 2010


Here's what's on the easel.  Paintings number 2 and 3 are finished but the first one is not there yet.  Today I hope to finish the tree painting for my friend Sarah, who has been incredibly patient waiting for it.

This week coming up I will be teaching my youth art camps at the Arts Umbrella.  In the morning will be "Mini Michaelangelos"  and the afternoon "Bugs and Blooms".  These camps are such fun, they're geared towards kids 5 to 9 years old, which means lots of enthusiasm and charm!

July 5, 2010

4th of July in Bothell

Here are just a few fun shots from our main street parade.  Perfect weather, overcast and cool!  No blistering hot sun!   Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

July 3, 2010

Progress and something new

The top two images are new and in progress.  The first is in need of something to break up the forground, not quite sure what but it will come to me. It's about 60% finished, a bit of a ways to go still.   The second painting is at the very beginning stages.  I'm excited to see how this one turns out. The last two you've seen before and they are almost complete, some tweaking here and there.