November 30, 2006


We had a terrific snow fall this week. Very exciting for everyone. Three days off from school for my kids and lots of snow and computer time for both. I was able to finish this painting of the San Juan islands, it's a scene from the ferry ride from Anacortes to Orcas Island, one of my favorite places to visit in the summer. I'm relatively happy with the way it turned out. Landscapes are a challenge for me, I'm glad to be getting a little closer to the feel I want.

November 19, 2006

work in progress

Thought it might be fun to show you all my messy desk. It never fails, I just get the place tidy and the tornado hits again (me with a paint brush, students, dogs...) and it's right back where I started.

November 15, 2006

new images

These are paintings I have recently finished. I am particularly happy with the gourds, such fantastic shapes to paint.

There's an amazing feeling when I finish a painting and know that the adventure is about to begin again, maybe it's "0ld" age but the process of painting is now as exhilirating as the result.