February 12, 2008

complimentary lemons

More practice with the warm cool balance. The other area I'm trying to improve in is luminous transparent darks. The idea is to use transparent thin layers of color in the shadows to create a dark yet glowing area.

I've noticed along with the skills I'm developing, patience with the process is also required. When I first started painting I tried to blast through my paintings with the idea that the faster I painted the more m0ney I made if it sold. Now it has become much more important to take the time to create work that I am proud of.


Rebecca Bush said...

I have to agree with you, Michelle. I can't begin to keep an eye on the clock when I'm working on a creative project-- it's an "in the zone" killer for me. Some projects work out in a snap, others take time and much stepping back before the path to take becomes clear. Each creation takes me on a unique journey. Not knowing how I'll get from point A to point Z keeps it interesting.

tlchang said...

If you feel up to it, sometime please talk about shadow colors that you use for yellow (like on these lemons). I'm never happy with my color choices for shadowed yellows... Especially in layered watercolor...