June 10, 2008

Terry Miura Landscape Workshop

This is Terry demonstrating the proces of plein air landscape painting. He's a very knowledgable teacher and generous with his information and experience.

I particularly liked his description of composition, using the idea of a star and supporting cast in a story.

Some other tid bits:

Put a brush stroke down and leave it don't mush it around.

Use big brushes to elimnate the fussy little stuff.

Start simple and build experience.

Do a thumbnail before you paint!


tlchang said...

So it was a good experience then? Hope you found it fun and useful.

Bill Sharp said...

I stumbled across your blog today and have really enjoyed seeing your work. What a great opportunity to study with Terry Miura.

I hope we get some more sun before the winter clouds move back in for another year.

René PleinAir said...

An other tidbit,

Paint as much as possible outside!!

Mis it a bit on your blog, ... plein air work that is.