Here's what's on the easel. Paintings number 2 and 3 are finished but the first one is not there yet. Today I hope to finish the tree painting for my friend Sarah, who has been incredibly patient waiting for it.
This week coming up I will be teaching my youth art camps at the Arts Umbrella. In the morning will be "Mini Michaelangelos" and the afternoon "Bugs and Blooms". These camps are such fun, they're geared towards kids 5 to 9 years old, which means lots of enthusiasm and charm!
These are all very good work, and the tree is looking great. Can't wait to see it finished.
I love how the Tree painting is glowing with light now! It looks awesome! The toy paintings are so wonderful :-D
I sure miss painting class, but I am trying to do at least 15 minutes of art a day if not more.
Have fun with the kiddies!
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