August 17, 2010

On the easel

These are all works in progress.  My biggest challenge these days is choosing content and composition.  As an example the sea themed still life has a big space on the left that is empty and needs to be broken up.  Seeing the paintings in this format helps  to identify the problems.  Actually the Oz painting has the same problem on the right side...


Charlene Uban said...

Your work is really nice. I understand about your issues with choosing content and composition. I am also having the same problem with composition, but I usually do portraits so content already narrowed a bit for me. Your paintings show the illusion of space very well. The perspective of depth in the first two painting really creates the atmosphere for each.

Lisa M Griffin said...

Beautiful! I LOVE seeing WIP's, and your trees are wonderful. It is also fun getting a glimpse into your studio. THanks for sharing.