January 12, 2006

tiny landscapes

January is becoming a month I look forward to each year. The feeling of new beginnings is wonderful. There are no major holidays after the new year celebration so I can settle in and work away at projects.

One of my goals this year is to understand landscape painting better. I feel so much more comfortable with the figure and still life, but am determined to make head roads into the landscape territory. There are a number of reasons for this push, first and foremost is I want them on my wall at home. Also, I have had some success in 2005 selling my still life paintings and am curious how landscapes will go.

My oil/acrylic classes are going well. My students seem genuinely happy while in class and it's terrific to watch their progress. There is the added benefit of relearning basic concepts myself as I teach them to others.


tlchang said...

I really like this one! (and yes, it is easy to change the 'options' for comments so that it's a pop-up and not a full screen. Then I can look at your pic while I talk about it). I think little ones are a great way to go. How much painting time do you get in your classes now? I am looking forward to the day when I get to do some myself in class (I can *see* it out there - on the distant horizon).

Gretel said...

Oh I adore this...that magical, inviting path is just waiting to be walked down...I need this on my wall!