December 1, 2006

study in blue, white, and burnt sienna

This painting is almost finished. I like the way the light is hitting the objects, but I'm not too excited about the compostion. It's rather dull. Composition in still life is of utmost importance, a weak composition will turn out a weak painting, which this is. A very good exerice in limited palette and values though.


Rebecca Bush said...

Blue, White, Burnt Sienna and RED! Can't miss that red. I see what you mean about the composition, Michelle. My impulse is that the white book be nudged a bit to the left so that the pitcher is overlapping it. I think having it square behind the duck is creating a dead spot in the painting. I don't know if you can change anything that major at this point, though.

michelle said...

Thanks Rebecca, good eye, it is too late but thats ok, still helps to see what would have worked to correct it. Useful for the next set up.

tlchang said...

Rebecca's right - but you might be able to get some of the same effect by dropping that book down (right now it jumps out as the whitest, coolest thing - while everything else is much warmer and duller)...