December 17, 2007

Let it snow...

No, it's not snowing here in Seattle, lots of rain though. I can remember my grandpa saying "without the rain it wouldn't be so green in the Northwest." So welcome rain.

Painting is going well. Every time I sit down to paint a still life the form is more and more comprehensible and the subtle color and light changes are easier to see. Translating what I see has become less difficult.

Landscape, on the other hand is mind boggling. I am working on a couple of pieces in the studio and while some aspects are successful others are a disappointing. I belong to a critique group led by Mitch Albala which is incredibly helpful. Listening to the comments helps tremendously. One thing is have learned so far is not to just jump into a painting. Paying careful attention to composition, values and color in the planning process helps eliminate lost time on a mediocre idea.


MariaJ said...

Thank you so much for leaving comment on my blog. Isnt it funny that although we leave far away each other we share the same kind of climate. I think we have colder winter though than you cause the temperature can be -30 C some days here. Luckily its very rare! Anyway...your art.WOW. I love your soft way to paint! Also you use lovely colors. You have a real gift which we all can enjoy. Do you sell your paintings only in galleries?

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Fabulous work !!

Rebecca Bush said...

Hi Michelle,
I like the atmospheric light that you are achieving in your landscapes now. That is very cool. Keep up the good work!